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Action Refund Review – A Comprehensive Look into their Services (and why they are a definite scam)

Erik Taylor

ByErik Taylor

Dec 3, 2020

Action Refund Review (Action Refund is a cryptocurrency recovery scam!)

Have you or someone you know gotten scammed online? This seems to be a common occurrence in the online world and you are certainly not alone in this. There are different kinds of scams that can happen; some people have their identity stolen and the used in illegal activities. Others have had their hard-earned money compromised. The internet is huge and mostly unregulated, which means there is plenty of room for these cybercriminals to take advantage of people and they come up with smart schemes and tactics to do so. As people have become familiar with traditional tactics, these criminals have kicked things up a notch and are now using very sophisticated tricks to exploit people.

The only problem with this is that people have to be even more cautious when navigating the online world because there is no telling when and how you might be scammed. Nothing should be taken at face value because these cybercriminals are that good and constant vigilance should be your mantra if you want to stay safe. You will find a diversity in online scams, such as crypto scams, forex trading scams, binary options scams, other online trading scams, and even online dating scams, amongst others.

Even though most people have heard about these, the biggest issue is that there aren’t any laws or regulations to provide people with guidance on how to go about dealing with the consequences. Authorities have not yet caught up to these issues, which has given free rein to cybercriminals and victims have nowhere to turn to when they end up being defrauded or scammed. Many people decide to keep quiet because they are embarrassed at having been scammed, while others are just confused because they don’t know where to go. Due to this dilemma, the concept of scam recovery services was introduced and has now become quite well-known.

As pretty obvious, these services specialize in scam recovery and claim to help people in recovering their losses. This is no easy task to accomplish, but there is certainly a huge demand for them due to which a number of companies have been founded for this purpose. Amongst the many names that exist in the market, you will find Action Refund. A quick look at their website will show you what they want you to see; they are a scam recovery service that can help you in recovering your losses. On the surface, they appear to be genuine and there are no instant red flags that jump out at you.

However, this is where you have to be vigilant because as stated before, you just cannot take anything at face value in this environment, especially when you have already been scammed before. To use their services, you would definitely need to share your information with them and also pay some money. You don’t want to hand either of these things to just anyone who can take advantage. This requires some effort on your part, which means looking into what Action Refund is selling and if they can be trusted.

To find the answers, you need to weigh in different aspects, which include:

  • The scam recovery process

First things first, you need to figure out how Action Refund will go about scam recovery. They are making big promises of helping you recover, but how will they get it done because it is certainly not a piece of cake. You would obviously want to know the details because there are not established legal channels that can be used in this regard, so you want to make sure there is a way it can be done and not just false promises. It is logical for clients to want to know how a business plans on helping them, due to which it is surprising that Action Refund is not forthcoming about it.

They have not provided any insight into how they go about scam recovery. They will ask you to share your personal information first, then share how you have been scammed and wait for them to verify the details you have provided. Once again, they don’t tell you what this verification procedure involves and only state that they will decide whether to take your case after the verification is complete. They will assign a case manager in that case, who will be responsible for making the recovery on your behalf. When such sensitive matters are being handled, it doesn’t make sense for Action Refund to not divulge information about their process.

  • Their experience in handling matters

No matter what business you are dealing with, you would prefer to go with one that has some experience under its belt because this indicates that they know what they are doing and are less likely to make mistakes. This is even more crucial in the case of scam recovery because these are very sensitive matters and any mistakes here could mean that you will not be able to get back anything. Moreover, there is a lot of expertise and technical knowledge required in order to go after scammers because they are quite sophisticated nowadays. When you check Action Refund’s website, you get the feeling that they know what they are doing.

Their website indicates that they have been doing scam recovery for quite a while, which means they will do a good job of it. In the About Us section, they haven’t provided any details about the length of their experience, but their statements give the impression that they have been around for a long time. Hence, when you look into their registration, it will come as a shock because you find out that they were only founded last year i.e. in October, 2019. This means that Action Refund doesn’t really have a lot of experience in handling scam recovery.

Most importantly, they have chosen not to disclose this information to anyone checking out their website, which automatically throws Action Refund into doubt. There is no harm in being new, but a business should not hide this fact from its customers, unless there is something shady going on.

  • Their accomplishments

Once you are done verifying their experience and background, it is time to look at a company’s performance. It would be foolish to opt for a scam recovery service when you have no idea what kind of job they will do. Not every company is professional or skilled and there is a possibility that they might not succeed in recovering your funds. The only way for you to know about a company’s capability is by checking out their accomplishments and this also applies in the case of Action Refund. On their website, you will notice that they have mentioned the sums they have managed to recover from various scams.

At first glance, these numbers are quite impressive and would certainly give you hope that they know what they are doing and can recover your funds for you. The only problem is that if you try to take a closer look to see what kind of scams had happened in which the money was recovered, you will find no such information. This means that Action Refund only provides you a bunch of numbers on their website and there is no explanation about the case. There are zero details provided about the scam in question or the customers for whom they recovered the money. If privacy was an issue, they could have simply changed names or concealed them.

It doesn’t seem logical to not provide details about the case, which means there is a possibility that they are only talking big and haven’t really done anything like what they claim.

  • Their reviews about the services

If you are not able to find any information about the company’s accomplishments, your next step would be to take a look at their customer reviews. After all, customer testimonials are regarded as the most honest sources of information about any business because clients tend to be very open about the kind of experience they have had. They don’t hesitate in sharing any problems they might have dealt with and can also give you an idea of what to expect. A business that doesn’t have any reviews would certainly be shady, especially when it is showing you big amounts they have recovered.

But, a company that does have reviews that don’t really provide you any information is even shadier. There is a possibility that one customer may choose to write a generic review or two, or a few. But, how is it possible that every client has left a general review that doesn’t really provide you with any information? This seems hard to digest and yet this is exactly what Action Refund wants you to believe. When you go over their customer reviews, you will notice that they appear to be fake.

They don’t have any detailed insights to offer and are just a bunch of sentences praising the company’s services. Another suspicious sign is that none of the reviewers seem to have display pictures, which skews the laws of probability. Sure, some people may not like to share their photos, but all of them not doing so is almost impossible.

  • Their charges for the services

No matter what you are shopping for in the market, it is a given that you will look at the price tag first and then make a decision. Unless you are a billionaire, you will want to know how much you have to pay and then make up your mind. This also applies to online services and Action Refund. When you decide to use their scam recovery services, you want to know what they will charge you for it. A legitimate company shouldn’t have a problem in sharing this information with you. Yet, you can go through the entire Action Refund website and not find any details about their cost.

Yes, they do mention that you have to pay a commission and there is a fee for their services as well. But, how much will that be? Action Refund has not quoted a figure at all. As a matter of fact, they have not even given any information about the criteria they will use for deciding the charges, in case they prefer to give a quote after obtaining information about the scam. There is no such data available, which alerts you to avoid them altogether because you don’t want to be slapped with a huge bill at the end of the day.

  • Their customer support

In the case of an online business, customer support becomes absolutely vital because physical dealings are not possible in this scenario. Therefore, customer support serves as an alternative and any online business that wants to survive and prosper pays attention to this aspect. You would obviously expect the same from Action Refund because they should want to reassure their clients and put them at ease. They have added an FAQ section on their website, which they claim is for their customers’ convenience. But, when you go through this section, you find the common red flags associated with scams.

There are spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and similar inconsistencies that are known as signs of an online scam. Furthermore, Action Refund doesn’t offer live chat support, which is a must for a business that’s offering scam recovery services. Instead, they have added options like email and phone numbers. If you test these options, you will discover that the phone numbers don’t work and email also doesn’t incite a response, so it is really useless in the long run. In case you want to follow up or have any questions, there will be no way for you to get in touch with Action Refund unless they decide to contact you. This lack of communication also points to a fraud.

A comprehensive look into Action Refund and their services makes it crystal clear that the company is not to be trusted because it is also an elaborate scam scheme and nothing more.

Erik Taylor

Erik Taylor

Erik Taylor, contributing author for Big Trends Signals, leverages his vast online trading knowledge to provide thorough guides and impartial reviews, simplifying complex trading concepts for readers.

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